Duncan Carmichael Alexander Technique, Taoist Healing, Qi Gong, Scotland

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The Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique can help you
heal your back or other physical discomfort
regain freedom, poise, ease and elegance in movement and posture
improve performance and prevent injury in music, sport, drama, singing
enhance your public speaking and presentation skills
change the conditions that stop you enjoying a happy and healthy life

Free yourself from unconcious habits and patterns which are no longer of use

Through skilful and experienced 'hands on' and verbal direction, your body and mind are enabled to let go of attachment to habitual patterns of holding, tensing, tightening and shortening. This is replaced by a general freeing, easing, lengthening and expanding tendency in both body and mind.

Regain, through consciousness, what we used to have, as small children, through innocence

With balanced body and balanced mind (the one goes with the other) performance and pleasure in all our activities is enhanced.

Perfect balance, poise and freedom of movement

To find out more about the Alexander Technique, how it may help you and what happens in a lesson, please contact me or click here to visit the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT)

Look after your back and your back will look after you

The Art of Running

Having undergone further specialised AT training and become an 'Art of Running' instructor Duncan is also able to help you
* improve your running style
* avoid injury
* run further and faster
* enjoy your running more
A three session package is recommended. Video analysis is utilised to identify unhelpful habits and monitor progress over the 3 sessions. There will be general 'postural' work as well as specialised bespoke guidance to help you improve your particular running style.
Please contact me for more information and booking.

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